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Saturday, August 13, 2005 -- This morning Benny and daddy went on another birding hike with the Audubon Club, to the sewer ponds near Patterson. There were nine people in our group. Click on the links to learn more about each bird. There are also links to listen to the sounds of each bird.

Here is a list of the birds that were identified by our group (by sight or sound):

Great Egret (two of them sitting in the top of a large tree!) • Brewer's BlackbirdBarn SwallowTree SwallowWhite-faced IbisBlack-necked StiltGreater YellowlegsCanada GooseWilson's Phalarope (other links for Wilson's Phalarope - Audubon, eNaturePercevia) • Red-necked Phalarope (other links for the Red-necked Phalarope - eNature, Percevia, PatuxentKilldeerLeast SandpiperWestern SandpiperCaspian TernForster's TernAmerican White PelicanSnowy EgretGreat Blue HeronRuddy DuckAmerican avocetDouble-crested ComorantEared Grebe • Blackheaded GrosbeakSpotted TowheeBushtitHouse WrenCalifornia QuailNuttall's WoodpeckerNorthern MockingbirdRed-tailed HawkBlue GrosbeakLoggerhead ShrikeCalifornia GullRing-billed GullBlack-bellied Plover

Links for birds: || eNature || Audubon WatchList || Percevia - Birds of North America || Patuxent Bird Identification InfoCenter || Birds of Manitoba || Audubon's Birds of America, 1840-1844 || Internet Bird Collection || New York Bird Songs || Bird Sounds on the Web || Bird Links || Winkler Bird Links || North American Bird Sounds || || California Birding Links || Bird Related Links ||

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